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Contributor Guidelines

Please read these guidelines carefully before lodging a Contributor Application, as we will reject applications that do not meet the requirements. Contributors must follow the Contributor Guidelines.

Failure to adhere to these Guidelines will result in your article(s) being rejected (i.e. not published on

Repeated violations of these Guidelines may result in: deletion of your published articles; removal of your Contributor privileges, such as access to the Author Hub; and/or termination of your account.

Articles must provide value to our audience

Articles must offer value to our audience.

Articles should inform, inspire or entertain readers.

Content requirements

We will not publish content that:

  • is overly salesy (i.e. predominantly spruiking your products or services);
  • includes unproven health claims with no evidence base to support them (e.g. such as links to peer reviewed research);
  • has numerous spelling mistakes or grammatical errors;
  • is poorly written;
  • is published elsewhere (contributed articles must be original and exclusive to;
  • plagiarises the work of others (all sources must be appropriately acknowledged and referenced);
  • is discriminatory, threatening, defamatory or highly offensive; or
  • is written in a language other than Australian English.

All articles are reviewed prior to publication.

You must be appropriately qualified in your field

Contributors must have appropriate qualifications for their primary vocation or focus topic(s).

For example, a contributing nutritionist or dietitian must hold appropriate tertiary qualifications and be a registered Nutritionist with the Nutrition Society of Australia or be registered as an Accredited Practising Dietitian.

Contributing fitness instructors or personal trainers must have completed the Certificate III in Fitness (SIS30315) qualification at a minimum. Fitness instructors or personal trainers must also be registered with an Australian industry association, such as Fitness Australia.

In some fields, formal qualifications may not be applicable. In these cases, we expect that Contributors will have the necessary knowledge and expertise to speak with authority and credibility on their chosen topics.

You must have a connection with Australia

The website attracts visitors from all over the globe, but our core audience is people located in Australia. For this reason, we prefer to partner with contributors that are based in Australia.

In some circumstances, we may approve contributor applications from Australians living or travelling overseas.

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We welcome contributors with expertise in the areas of health, fitness and general wellbeing.

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